you and me and baby makes three

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hearts a new song!

Over the last week, I have been listening to Des playing this song on his laptop. Finally unable to resist, I asked him for the title. Its's Airplanes/Brick by boring brick cover done by these two very talented guys, Michael Henry and Justin Robinett. It's a mash-up of two songs, "Äirplanes" by B.O.B and "Brick by boring brick" by Paramore and I think their cover version is so amazing! You gotta listen to the originals first then to their cover version and you will get my meaning. I love alternative rock and both covers are great to me but I absolutely adore mash-ups so yea!

Its been on repeat mode for the past hour...

I searched the lyrics and also read some reviews about it. Yea, when I like something, anything! I kinda like finding out more about it. When it comes to songs, I like knowing what it means, and why it was composed in the first place - it just adds to the plus factor for me and adds a whole lot more meaning to it. This is one of the review I read and I feel the same way!

The song received a positive review from Vicki Lutas of the BBC, who awarded the song 5 out of 5 stars. She said that the song is "hair-raisingly BRILLIANT" and said "Listening to the lyrics is like entering a world where sandcastle's aren't built, but buried, a world where the baddie is not the wolf, but reality... and in this world, things are dark, but they're very real. There's a sense of longing; longing for those fairy tales and longing for innocence, but it's coupled with a sense of realization that this will never happen."

The last sentance where I highlighted in bold; I can totally relate to.... Seriously. I daydream a lot, alot. Maybe unheathily so. Especially when I'm down or when things get too mundane. More about that some other time though.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The one with bells ringing!


Joanne's big day is finally here! I'm so excited, really! In a few hours I would be heading over to her mom's place and I probably should go to bed now and catch, um 4 hours of sleep, but I'm still awake! Was tired, real tired earlier, then had to pack stuff for tomorrow and now I can't sleep... So gonna regret this later, I know!

Anyway, Jo asked to do a simple morning highlights to play at her dinner and its gonna be my first time doing one. Wish me all the best, I can already foresee that its gonna be so hectic and crazy, but anything for the bestie on her big day!

Friday, August 6, 2010

In a heartbeat

I was taking a smoke just now, when suddenly I thought of my life thus far. I was wondering what would life be without Kate? I mean, since I always had grouses giving up all my freedom and even part of my personality for her, how would I feel if I could make the choice to go back in time?

It was then that I truly realised what I wanted. Despite the frustrations and the mundane-ness I feel sometimes, I wouldn't change a thing. I really cannot imagine life without her; a morning without her little face peering at me & her wide grin when she sees me open my eyes, her cute little laughs and her sweet little voice, her loud cries and irritating whines, I cannot imagine a day without a kiss or hug from her. It would kill me to lose her. Even the thought of sending her to school and going back to work scares me. I would miss her so, so much!

And then I realised that what I read on someone's facebook shout-out before was true; only a life lived for others is worth living. (Or something along those lines) So what if I had lost part of who I am, so what if I had to give up my freedom and sometimes my sanity, *hur hur*, so what if I had to make certain sacrifices because I decided to have a kid? Because if you ask me would I make the same choice all over again, (even though sometimes I think myself mad for doing so), I would... in a heartbeat.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Its hard to understand the dynamics of a relationship. What happens during the span of it that leads two people to a point where they no longer can be nice to each other. Sure, deep down, they love each other. You would think that having been so close and loving before, that having gone through so much together, would strengthen their bond. Perhaps the bond should even be unbreakable. Alas! That is not so. How do you think there are so many broken marriages around? Most people do start off loving each other to bits after all. But after one episode too many, one unbroken silence too many, one unresolved quarrel too many, how can it all just be expected to fade away with time? Not resolving anything and leaving it to time to heal sometimes just gives one result; an unresolved issue. Too many of those later, just tires one out. And when you are tired, there is nothing else you want. Nothing seems worth your efforts anymore. It takes too much to try, and its easier to walk away. Even having a conversation about what could be or has been serves no other purpose than to frustrate. Their relationship can best be described as civil. Which to her means the relationship is doomed.

The gap seems irreparable. A lot of things changed and it doesn't just go back to the way it was just because they want it to. She's so sick of so many things; life as it is, her as she is, things as they are. She's so sick and tired and suddenly her problems just seems bigger than everybody else's. Suddenly this whole world has expanded and she's so small and alone in all this mess.

She contradicts herself all the time. She contradicts everything. Sometimes things seem so right, seems so good. Sometimes things seem so bad, so wrong. Why is it that life is so hard sometimes? Why is it that you may have everything but feel so empty inside?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beautiful weather...

Beautiful weather today. Cool breeze, gray skies. Just the way I like it. Without the rain. It's been raining alot recently. Horrid wet weather. It poured this morning so now its really lovely outside.

Suddenly I think of those scenes in movies, where the actor stands next to a floor to ceiling glass window, and stares outside, where it's drizzling. Its night time & the city lights outside are twinkling in the rain. Soft christmas music playing in the background. I always feel really nice when I see that scene. I don't know how to describe that feeling but I always like to imagine myself doing that, in a nice home of my own.

Another favorite. Beautiful gray morning, white buildings with blue roofs overlooking the Mediterranean. I wanna visit the Greek islands...

The chalet getaway

Okie...been procrastinating way too long about everything, I figured I better try to sort out the pictures that are piling up; in my cupboard, waiting to be scrapbooked, and on my desktop, waiting to be posted and blogged about.

So eventually I brought Kate to the doc to certify her fit enough to go to the chalet with us, after the whole HFM thing. I was so relieved when she was given the green light. The doctor's only concern being that Kate's immunity being low after recovering, so no crowded places. Chalet with parents, ok! Beach, ok! Happiness!

So I did a very last minute packing on the morning we were supposed to go, thus forgetting many important things; her diaper rash cream, her sweater, a second set of pjs, and I can't remember what else. Hubs was quite pissed with me. Haha. & poor Kate wore her pjs both nights, her top had to be her sweater too, so you can imagine how dirty it was by the end of our stay.

We went to Vivo city to shop for snacks and all before heading over, and Kate was so happy to finally be out and about. She took a nap when we reached and we spent the evening at the beach and eating at a horrid restaurant, think it was called the wave or something, whatever. Ok, unfair statement. The restaurant was nice and cozy. Problem is, the lights were too dim! It's great for chilling with friends, or chatting with your romantic other half, but so wrong for families. Blah. Dim lights = can't see what's on my plate, how to feed Kate? They had high chairs for toddlers but they had no parents room nor changing pad in the ladies. So I had to change Kate, who decided the restaurant was a lovely spot to poo at, at the sink. Bleah. So I told hubs that having high chairs doesn't make a restaurant family friendly. Hmph. I might have went on and on about it, haha! Our camera ran out of battery, so I couldn't take much pics. Sigh.

Kate who was really grouchy at waking up, cheered up instantly when she saw the beach, which was just a stone's throw away from the chalet.




The beach was practically empty deserted when we were there, it being a thursday and all I guess. But it was lovely without the crowd.


And here's a pic of the Costa sands chalet.


The next day, same thing. Kate only cheered up when we told her we were going to the beach. She kept whining, which I attribute to the strange surroundings and the fact that she just got well.


Again, beach was quiet. Kate was really so adorable, she tried to apply sunblock lotion for me.




With daddykins.







And then running around amok, playing catch! I love the shots that captures her laugh and her cheeky grins, so rarely I get an un-blurry shot!



She insisted on drinking from our bottle.



No one was in the water. With good reason. We didn't see the puny sign, so Kate got oil smears on her feet, so hard to get rid of it!


This is some new attraction at Sentosa, at least it's new to me haha. Kate saw the people gliding past and insisted that we go "fly"! She was in my arms, and she used her hand to press my back as though trying to lift me up. So funny.


After Kate had a nap, we brought her to Resort world. Nothing much. Maybe because we didn't visit the theme park.


These workers look like they are part of a performance. They are not.













Finally, the end of my post. Look at the two little lazy pigs in my life. Hurhur!




I know I wanted to post pictures of our trip to down under a long time ago. I never did...
Then there was the recent getaway trip to Sentosa.
And now Joanne's hen party!

Yikes. I keep procrastinating til the cows came home "oh-lay-dee". Such is my laziness. Sigh.

So anyway, here's some pictures from the hen party! It's my first theme-d hen party, instead of the usual beer/alcohol- chugging ones and it was fun and definately unforgettable. We went to RE hotel, a boutique hotel (loves boutique hotels~), we decorated the place ourselves, suprised the bride who had no idea of what the day's events were all about, dressed up in ridiculous pjs, went to catch a movie at Illuma, ate at TCC, got the bride to do silly dares, and finally headed back to the hotel for chit chat and champagne!

Love this tiara, so cute~

Shauna, Grace & Cat busying themselves with the prep.

Cat borrowed some clothes from her niece for Kate to wear on Jo's wedding.


Cat helping Kate with the ribbon...

Too cute!

Couldn't resist taking another photo!

And another to show how puffy the tutu is!

The party favors~ Had so much fun preparing them!
The cookies are from

Simple decor but alot of hard work ok? The balloons kept exploding while they blew them!

Snacks galore!

Retro themed room.

I made these! *Proud*

Everyone with their favors!

Kate also has one k? Hers is all food!


Eating her personalised champagne cookie!

Godma, mummy & Katie cutie.

Busy munching away!

Jo doesn't know yet, but she has to wear the items in the bag out. Hur hur!

Dolling her up with....tons of blusher, haha!

Kate, all curious.

Picking up a few new techniques from the grown-ups!

Oh wow!

At Glitter glam, Illuma SC. All of us are getting the same dress for the wedding day!

Oh, they plaided my hair so we all look kuku. =(

Kate, looking cute in her pjs.

Yea, I got a strawberry clip on my hair.

Cat & Jo.

I find the geeky look very nice on her le.

Ring pop!

I super likey my tag - pricked my fingers several times stitching the hearts on.

The view outside the room.

The gals got more groups pics and pics taken during the dares...Gotta get them first before posting here again. Will try not to procrastinate again... =)