you and me and baby makes three

Friday, May 13, 2011

Loving every night

I look forward to every night...
Because that's the time when you would skype us, and after Kate goes to sleep, we continue our conversation on phone. I am so grateful that your allowance is enough to enable little perks like that.

In a weird way, it feels like we are dating again, since we talk every night on the phone before we retire to bed, albeit separately. But it's a bonus nevertheless...

So now, every night, I'm anticipating your nightly calls... Til tomorrow, my love.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


It's a weds night. The last three days I spent sleeping and working longer than usual.

It's been only four days since hubs left for Hong kong. Everything's as usual, of course. But underlying that all, I miss him dearly. I miss my partner in parenting. There's so much more to say, but sometimes things are better left unsaid. Just the day before, hubs hurt his toe... And I'm praying that it will heal completely so that he doesn't have to work in pain. For this training is important, yet so is his well-being. He can't afford to take medical leave and rest when that is what he needs right now... But I trust that all will be well and he will be able to focus completely with no pain nor swelling.

Kate's on her second week at school. Actually had tons to write about it...But for the moment, that has to wait. At the back of my mind, I'm worried as to how she is adjusting at school. But so far she seems to be enjoying it, though she's having trouble napping there. I hate the nagging thought that I'm just leaving my daughter to others. But I know for a fact that's not my plan nor objective.

The other night when hubs called, Kate spoke to him and while sobbing, (because she was throwing a tantrum then) she said to daddy; "Daddy, please come back..." That. That sentance, uttered with so much yearning in her tiny voice, broke our hearts so completely for the second time in our lives since we had her. The first being when she shoved jelly into her mouth during that painful hand, foot and mouth disease period. Both of us admitted to each other how we nearly cried when we heard her say that. It was a heartbreaking, and yet heartwarming moment. Kate loves and misses daddy, even when she's so young.

It hurts a little to have to stay apart like this. But it will pass soon... Of course for Kate, hubs and me, soon is never soon enough...

Missing you. Every waking moment. Even when I try to occupy myself.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Darth Vader PAP supporter

This is funny!

Singapore's big day

I have so, so much to blog about...

But in view of one of the most important day in Singapore... I have decided to blog about what I feel about the general election instead.

I have always dislike politics. To much to read about and it doesn't interest me at all. To say the least, I was one of those apathetic young adult, who didn't care much about politics and the like. (What?! I consider myself young ok? Lol)

But thanks to my hubby, who took so much interest in the election early on in april, and kept lecturing me about it two hours DAILY for a week... I finally took the step to reading the news; the whole article and not just the headlines. I also read most of the articles people put up on Facebook, which I had dismissed before. The one very important factor was that I told hubs that I will vote for no party; and his answer shocked me... He told me that if I didn't vote for any side at all, most probably that vote will be considered PAP's, since it means that I have no opinion about them running the show, so my null vote would be in their favor. Ok la, I really don't know if it actually works that way...but it jotted me anyway. Because not voting just means I don't know or don't care but I don't want it to be in their favor anyway. Like many, I also believed that my vote would not matter; I just don't feel that PAP will lose le... Like come on, so many years already...

SO anyway. I read up fervently. And discovered how much I didn't know. I read about policies, about ministers and what they said before... I read about why the current policies worked and didn't. And many, many more.

This year's election IS exciting. For the first time in history, so many seats are being contested. And it does show how many people are unhappy, doesn't it? A famous blogger blogged about it too...And hubs says its like propaganda. Hmmm... Kinda makes sense in a way, because she's influential and many young people reads her blog. She didn't say anything to influence our decisions but its clear whose side she's taking. The thing is...I really think that everyone who has to make a vote, should make an informed decision. By informed, I don't mean reading random ranting posts by anyone...

I love Singapore... And I'm grateful and proud that LKY and the likes of him, Goh Keng Swee, Toh Chin Chye, Rajarathnam, David Marshall, have put us out there on the map and made Singapore what it is now, a bustling city. (I hate the human traffic though, and the weather.) The thing is, this upcoming election has taught me alot about our current government or rather the just dissolved one. But I guess its a lot to be writing about and I'm not as great a writer as some...

I think this is a great article. Its lengthy. But um, whoever we vote in will rule for 5 years. This article won't take you 0.5 hours to read. I don't agree with everything said, but I agree with the following(and more):

"I cannot vote for a government that decides its own ridiculous salaries DESPITE a very strong public opinion against it."

(I can't either...and it's really not just about their paychecks but everything else that has been brought up before. Despite what we bring up or object to, it all gets swept under the carpet, brushed off til now. Just before D day. Our government has never apologised, but in today's news, Lee Hsien Loong has apologised. *On Yahoo! news*)

"What Singapore needs is change

Lastly, by voting for a significant change to the status quo, Singaporean youths will become less apathetic, seeing that, for the first time in their lives, CHANGE is really possible in this country, and that they can make a difference in deciding for the future of Singapore.

The PAP will also be less complacent if it meets with a stunning defeat. Its cold Point 8-type ministers will also learn that it is Singaporeans they are supposed to be serving, not themselves. They will learn to treasure their constituents, to sincerely listen their opinions and to truly help them – all these are SUPPOSED to be their job in the first place.

People will also start to dare to join the Opposition. The only reason why I do not wish for the Opposition to take over the government is because it is incompetent, and it is incompetent because talented men and women who are concerned about the aforementioned issues, do not have the courage or faith in the system to step forward and join the Opposition (hell no, not with a law like the ISA in place). But if the PAP faces a defeat that is significant enough, trust in the democratic system of Singapore will finally be restored and the politics of Singapore can be revived to more than just dead rhetoric.

Of course we are grateful for the many, many good things the PAP has done for Singapore. It has been an excellent government in many ways (especially economically – I wonder why). However, it has also been found lacking in many aspects. Politics is not a charity, as they would themselves say with regard to the Opposition, and we cannot vote for a government simply because it used to serve the people well. If it has lost its focus, then support for the Opposition is the only way to make them regain this focus. No one ever says “I have a good salary already, please donot give me a pay rise”. Everyone wants improvements to their lives, and if we care about this country, we should seek improvements to the way it is run as well, even if we are satisfied with this country to start with."

Of course, there are many reasons why some of us pick PAP or any of the alternate voices. However, whatever respect I had for LKY flew out the window the moment he started 'threatening' those in Aljunied. And after reading about those who were detained indefinately by him in the past. He has demonstrated that we are not to go against him. Or else. Well, remember he said that Singaporeans need to learn "graciousness"? Go figure.

There are many great articles out there... Go read some before you decide.