you and me and baby makes three

Monday, March 14, 2011

The world and it's events

Japan is still reeling from the aftermath of the quake and tsunami, and now news that the second reactor could also suffer a blast. As news after news flash plays, a lot of things come to mind.

Do you find it difficult to believe that the world will come to an end? I watched several documentaries before this recent quake and aside from my faith, I really do think that it is very possible for the world to come to an end. From meteors hitting us to solar storms and who knows what else. I believe that the world will come to an end, but I don't believe that we can predict when. That is not ours to decide after all.

Some people were joking, some were insensitive and many nonchalant. I guess since it's happening so far away, some people are able to detach themselves and just take it as another piece of news. For me, I just really find it soooo weird to be going about my life while out there, people are struggling and are in pain, physical or not. Of course, even before this quake, there are already many out there who are in pain, and in need. And sometimes when I shop or eat at expensive places, I feel weird knowing that there are many people who could have done a lot with the money that I have just spent frivolously. It's just that whenever something major happens, I feel like it's ultra strange to be eating well and shopping while out there, people don't even have access to basic needs like water or food or a clean place to rest. As I told hubs, no matter what happens, how bad it is, and how it cripples some people's lives, the world does not stop turning for anyone. It feels so weird, really. Life goes on, for all of us. Even those affected, they have to go on.

What amazes me though while watching the news, is that the Japs who have just had everything taken from them, can still be so civil-minded and queue up to get food supplies from the store. They do not shove or push, and they do not complain. I really admire this quiet strength that they have displayed even when they are in so much pain and saddness.

At work today, an old uncle that I was working with told me that this quake is Japan's retribution. I had to bit down on my lip, so I would not get into an argument with him, and so that I won't have to be rude to him either. After such a major disaster, it baffles me that people can say such insensitive things. We should be trying to help and not be gossiping about things that has happened long ago or why it happened. To me, the war is unrelated to the quake. I don't see a relation between the two. It's just saddening that there are always those who make insensitive comments, or jokes about major disasters. But it happens, and we are all different-we view things differently. I was telling hubs that it's a good thing that Japan has good infrastructure and is developed, because it could have been so much worse if it wasn't---so many more lives could have been lost.

I read this comment somewhere..."We try to play God, but are humbled by the mighty force of what God has created. He can command storms and remember, He can calm them too. So pray for the people in Japan."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I love staying here and I wished I could stay longer but I know I can't. Much as I crave to be running away from everything, I know that at the end of the day I can't. Why can't I live the way I want to?